February 13, 2020

The "to do list" just might ruin your day

Some days there are competing priorities for our time and attention...okay that's almost every day isn't it? Today was already one of those days, before it even began. I was tired, it's garbage day, lunches to make, a newsletter to write, an important meeting to attend, a day of work, what will be for dinner, driving the kids to their activities... The list is long and I just felt like crawling back into bed, but I didn't. Instead, I got up, had my coffee, got ready, and hit the gym.

While I was running on the treadmill, all those things of the day ahead were cluttering my mind and I had a hard time focusing. But running isn't just about my body getting in shape, it's about reconditioning my mind, so that's exactly what I did. I pushed all those "things" out of my head and I just focused on the moment. I'm training for a marathon and I can't get off track. I won't let other things steal my moments, because this is too important for my health, and then, I found my calm.

Today there are lots of things that will compete for your attention and even try to steal your joy. Don't let that happen! Okay, put out the garbage on the curb, but do you have to be at that meeting? Can you pick up dinner tonight? That's what I'm going to do today because I asked myself a couple of simple questions that helped me focus on what's important: "Where do I really need to be? Who do I need to be with and who really needs me today?" As soon as I re-framed my day I knew exactly what I needed to do, and more importantly who I needed to be with!

Some days you just need a break from the "to do list" and you need to reset your priorities, make it a "who with list" and go and make it happen!

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