February 11, 2020

Running out of time?

If you asked most people what's the answer to the question, "What do you need more of?" it's pretty consistently the same response - TIME.

"There's never enough time in the day!" "I just don't have time for that." "I wish I had more time and then I would." There's a lot of excuses centered or dependent on time, but they are just that, excuses. Life gets busy though doesn't it, but I wonder if we are the ones that make it busy though?

This past week I had three different medical appointments, each on separate mornings BEFORE I got to work. I also had numerous meetings before and after school almost every day. I kept up my morning runs too and I felt pretty proud of myself as I sat in my office on Friday afternoon and reflected back over the week, when a parent walked right in and before I could even say hi they said to me, "I just want to let you know that you've been really busy," and after a short exchange they walked out. What would your response be? The funny thing is that I had just spent an hour with their child giving him a much needed break and we worked together on something in the school. I will be honest, at the moment this parent had shared this I first thought to myself, damn straight I've been busy, do you have any idea what I've done just to be here every day and how much I've given?! The truth is, what this parent was reflecting to me is something I think we all need to hear once and awhile...stop being so busy and take a breathe, be present!

When we get to work what are we expecting, to have more time for ourselves? That's not how it works. Every job, no matter what it is, is about service. We are there to serve others. So do what you need to do for yourself so that when you get to your job, you are ready to serve and you are ready to give it everything you have!

I get up most week days between 4:30am-4:40am so that I can fit in my runs. And now I seem to be blogging, all before I get ready for the day. Maybe I will need to get up at 4:15am just to have time for the things that are important to me!? My response to that is - WHATEVER IT TAKES!!

I have been playing around with running puns as you can see from the title of this post. But we really never run out of time...

Make time for yourself and the things you love.
Make time for yourself and the people you love.
Make time for yourself so that you will be ready to serve!

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